Thursday, June 2, 2011

Christwire Fail thanks to ads by Google

This is just too good for words, actually Google ad words!

OMG a revelation! Thanks to the holier than thou journalistic disciplines of the folks at we can now say that there is unequivocally no doubt that the rise in the homo population in America has a direct and unarguable connection with The Golden Girls. That’s right Blanche!

We really have to hand it to their unbiased journalistic integrity, citing their solid research and list of credible ‘sources’! Oh wait a minute.., apparently only one source, the all high and mighty of course.., duh! Who could argue with the logic? I mean you would have to agree that there must be some ‘deep seeded’ (oh yes I did!) truth to this Breaking news story! Ok enough of that, lets get to the best part of what’s happening on, harbingers of the unknown truths plaguing mankind!

As it turns out, the very misguided nature & content of their misled fodder, has turned around and bit them in the ass! Yes that’s right! Thanks to the wonderful folks at Google and their crafty little search spiders, Google is serving GAY related ads right on Sorry what was that..? Um can we say Karma LOL!

Turns out those words sleuths over at christwire don’t have a clue! If they did they might have had the forethought to anticipate Google serving Gay Ads. The very copy they spew, words like ‘homosexual’, ‘gay’ etc… is exactly what Google’s little spiders have latched onto and thus paired with relevant Advertisers. Ooops.
Oh and just one more revelation to share with you from the fallout of this ‘Breaking News Exclusive’.., I’m going to PALM Springs, cause it’s Some Place to be myself.., and have ‘Gay Sex’ LOL.



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